My Bag ( )

By purchasing from us you agree and understand that you will be receiving replica items, unless they have been specifically stated as authentic. We have made no attempt to mask the fact that we are a watch site selling high quality replica watches and accessories.

By purchasing from us you agree and understand that although we do provide the highest quality replica watches on the market, you will never find a replica watch that is completely identical to the original inside and out. We strive to point out any good points and bad points with each and every one of our replica watches in their descriptions, the rest is up to you, your personal research and picture comparison between the authentic and our replica and asking us any and all questions in regards to your order before ordering.

By purchasing from us you agree and understand that we reserve the right to cancel your order if we deem it necessary. Any attempts to scam or fraud will result in an IP ban and all of your details being forwarded to the authorities.

Ownership Of Copyright

The copyright on this website and the material on this website (including without limitation the text, computer code, artwork, photographs, images, music, audio material, video material and audio-visual material on this website) is owned by Lucky Replica

Copyright License

Lucky Replica grants to you a worldwide non-exclusive royalty-free revocable license to:

  • View this website and the material on this website on a computer or mobile device via a web browser.
  • Copy and store this website and the material on this website in your web browser cache memory; and print pages from this website for your own personal and non-commercial use.

Lucky Replica does not grant you any other rights in relation to this website or the material on this website. In other words, all other rights are reserved.

For the avoidance of doubt, you must not adapt, edit, change, transform, publish, republish, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, rebroadcast or show or play in public this website or the material on this website (in any form or media) without Lucky Replica’s prior written permission.

Data Mining

The automated and/or systematic collection of data from this website is prohibited.


You may request permission to use the copyright materials on this website by writing to us.

Legal Disclaimer

By purchasing from us and/or visiting our site you agree and understand that if you are a member of any authority, an employee of any watch company or an employee of any watchdog committee that by being on this site and purchasing from us you agree that the exclusions and limitations of liability set out in this website disclaimer are reasonable. If you do not think they are reasonable, you must not use this website.

You accept that, as a limited liability entity, Lucky Replica has an interest in limiting the personal liability of its officers and employees. You agree that you will not bring any claim personally against Lucky Replica’s officers or employees in respect of any losses you suffer in connection with the website.

You also agree that the limitations of warranties and liability set out in this website disclaimer will protect Lucky Replica’s officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, successors, assigns and sub-contractors as well as Lucky Replica.

Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to Lucky Replica. This privacy statement provides information about the personal information that Lucky Replica collects, and the ways in which Lucky Replica uses that personal information.

Personal Information Collection

Lucky Replica may collect and use the following kinds of personal information:

  • Information about your use of this website.
  • Information that you provide using for the purpose of registering with the website.
  • Information about transactions carried out over this website.
  • Information that you provide for the purpose of subscribing to the website services.

Using Personal Information

  • Administer this website.
  • Personalize the website for you.
  • Enable your access to and use of the website services.
  • Send to you products that you purchase.
  • Send to you statements and invoices.
  • Collect payments from you.
  • Send you marketing communications.

Where Lucky Replica discloses your personal information to its agents or sub-contractors for these purposes, the agent or sub-contractor in question will be obligated to use that personal information in accordance with the terms of this privacy statement.

In addition to the disclosures reasonably necessary for the purposes identified elsewhere above, Lucky Replica may disclose your personal information to the extent that it is required to do so by law, in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, and in order to establish, exercise or defend its legal rights.

Securing Your Data

Lucky Replica will take reasonable technical and organizational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.

Lucky Replica will store all the personal information you provide on its secure servers.

Information relating to electronic transactions entered into via this website will be protected by encryption technology.

Cross-Border Data Transfers

Information that Lucky Replica collects may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which Lucky Replica operates to enable the use of the information in accordance with this privacy policy.

In addition, personal information that you submit for publication on the website will be published on the Internet and may be available around the world.

You agree to such cross-border transfers of personal information.

Updating This Statement

Lucky Replica may update this privacy policy by posting a new version on this website. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes.

Anti-Spam Policy

In the context of electronic messaging, spam refers to unsolicited, bulk or indiscriminate messages, typically sent for a commercial purpose. Lucky Replica has a zero-tolerance spam policy.

Automated Spam Filtering

Lucky Replica’s messaging systems automatically scan all incoming email and filter-out messages that appear to be spam.